“I have always loved the desert. One sits down on a desert sand dune, sees nothing, hears nothing. Yet through the silence something throbs, and gleams...”
-Antoine de Saint-Exupery, The Little Prince
There are places and there are places. It is easy to understand why prophets retreat to the Desert to search for God and spend time with Him. In the desert, how can man not be humbled, dwarfed by the blanketing golden sand during the baking heat of day, shrouded by the infinite stars in the cooling chill of night.
I rode across the kingdom of sand, chasing after the footprints of sheikhs and veiled beauties, searching the skies for signs of flying carpets and poking around sand dunes for a rusty genie-inhabited lamp. Although I am now back home, a small piece of my heart will always be with the Sahara. I will be back!